18 week scan of our tiny dancer
That's right folks. Chris and I are going to be parents.
This will be an adjustment for sure. It has been just Chris and Loyce for over 11 years now. To think that in less than four short months we will be adding someone else into our little family is crazy. We are excited, but now that is it actually happening it is surreal.
We start our child birthing classes tonight as well. I might change my mind after. (Just kidding, but it will probably scare me!)
More importantly the baby seems to be extremely healthy and this pregnancy is progressing beautifully. It has been such an answer to prayers. However, I have been extremely sick the duration of this gestation. I was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarium after a week long hospital stay at Presby Dallas. (Sounds more like a spell from Harry Potter than an illness to me.) It only happens in less than one percent of all pregnancies. Lucky me! I am still sick everyday even at 24 weeks. And no, not just a little nausea people. We are talking still throwing up, multiple times each day. I am so grateful for my wonderful friend, Zofran. It has made my life manageable. Some days the good Lord smiles on me and I can do without any medication and keep down most of my food. Those are glorious days that are keeping my sanity.
We are also starting on the nursery. (Before and after pictures to come.) My wonderful husband put together the crib and the dresser. I love him.
Hope you all are having a restful Monday evening.
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